Aqualyx or Celluform?

Do you REALLY have to choose?

Learn how to get started on Double Chin treatments

Aqualyx, Celluform...or both?


Ok, so you have fully decided to implement this new treatment in your practice.


Your patients have been demanding double chin treatment for ages! Or perhaps, you are more into the body contouring, beach-ready business

If your practice is mainly focused on body treatments. Aqualyx is definitely my recommendation. With Aqualyx, you can tackle the full thickness of the fat pocket, using this special technique called “intralipotherapy”. You will be more effective, results will be better and your patients may require less sessions to see results.

If you are a practitioner whose main interest is the face, and your patients are demanding double chin treatments, then Celluform+ is your product of choice. Without doubt. Celluform+ has been specifically designed for double chin treatments, and they produce great results with minimal downtime, due to its unique formula. And will allow you to treat al sorts of patients, from the tiny double chins to large submental fullness.

So...why not have both? Aqualyx AND Celluform?



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Still not sure?

 No worries, I got you covered. And I understand, as I may have the same doubts if I were you. So for this reason, I'm happy to jump in a FREE CALL with you where I will be answering all your questions. 
Because your peace of mind is priceless

Book a FREE call with Arturo